CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville CrossFit Gym

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Sat WOD 4.6.19


[A - Back of Gym]
10 Min AMRAP of...
30 Partner Wall Balls 20/14
30 Partner MB Sit Ups (tot)
30 TTB (both hanging, one working at a time) (tot)

-1 Min Transition-

[B - Front of Gym]
10 Min AMRAP of...
13 Cal Row
16 Power Ups 24/20 while partner is rowing (tot)

-1 Min Transition-

[C - Middle of Gym]
10 Min AMRAP of...
5 Push Ups onto Single DB 50/35 (ea side)
10 DB Lunges (tot)
Partner Completes 40 DU's

Mod Key

P: 14/8, Hanging Leg Raise, 16" Box, 25/15, 1:1 SU's
RX: "As Prescribed"
C: 25/20, 60/40


1-3 Sets, Holding Each for 1+ Min Ea Side
Hamstring Stretch
Half Pigeon