CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville CrossFit Gym

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Sat WOD 5.11.19


25 Min to Complete...

800m Run while Partner Rows 800m
(tag partner and switch)
100 OH Weighted Step Ups 25/15-20/16" (tot)
(partner rests in a plank hold)
125 TTB (tot)
400 DU's (tot)
800m Run while Partner Rows 800m
(tag partner and switch)

Once your team Finishes or your teams hits time cap, Rest 3 Min, then together Complete...

3 Min of Max Burpees

*One parter is working on TTB while the other is working on DU's. Share reps however.
*Add your burpee score together for Part B
*Score for A & B

Mod Key

P: 400m Run & Row,15/10-16/12", Hanging Leg Raise, 1:1 SU's
RX: "As Prescribed"
C: 35/25-24/20", 100 TTB + 20 BMU


1-3 Sets, Holding Each for 1+ Min Ea Side
Hamstring Stretch
Half Pigeon