CrossFit Chateau - Woodinville CrossFit Gym

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Tue WOD 4.23.19


OHS (Wk 4) Working up to 90-95%
3 x 1 @ 90-95%


15 Min AMRAP of...
3 Squat Snatches 125/85
12 TTB
6 Squat Snatches 125/85
12 TTB
9 Squat Snatches 125/85
12 TTB
12 Squat Snatches 125/85
12 TTB
15 Squat Snatches 125/85
12 TTB
18 Squat Snatches 125/85
12 TTB
and so on.......

Mod Key

P: 45/35, Hanging Leg Raise (heels above hips)
RX: "As Prescribed"
C: 145/100


1-3 Sets, Holding Each for 1+ Min Ea Side
Half Pigeon
Scorpion Stretch (pec/shoulder/chest)