OHP Find 3RM



17 min to Complete

120 Alt Lunges

100 DB STOH #35 (Was not able to do a Jerk the jolting motion feels off with my shoulder. Did Push press)

80 Slam Balls #20

40 Ring Dips w/ Band (I tried an RX ring dip, but towards the bottom the load is too much for my shoulder)

~14:20 P+


2 Sets ~~ ALL

Banded Ext/Int Rotation R/L

Banded Pull Aparts/Diagonal

Banded Rows


12 Lateral Raises #5

12 T’s and Y’s #5

5 Plank to Forearms

12 Push Ups

12 Ring Dips

12 Strict Pull Ups

12 Butterfly hanging circles


12 Bicep Curls #25

12 DB OHP Wide #25

12 Tricep Ext #45

12 DB Rows #45