Bailey Brown Videos


Back Squat DeLoad 5x5

#105 kept it lighter since back was feeling tight from yesterday


17 Min to complete 4 rounds of

1 Min Bike Sprint for Calories

4 Wall Walks

14 Front Squats #70

1 Rope Climb


Accessory Work

2 Sets ~~ ALL

Banded Ext/Int Rotation R/L

Banded Pull Aparts/Diagonal

Banded Rows


12 Lateral Raises #5

12 T’s and Y’s #5

5 Plank to Forearms

12 Knee Push Ups “FINALLY”


12 Bicep Curls #20

12 DB OHP Wide #15

12 Tricep Ext #40

12 DB Rows #40

Shoulder Scap Raises

Kip Swings

12 Pull Ups

12 Modified Ring Dips