Vertical Jump 

3 Attempts 
Use Vertical Measurer in Office.
Have member stand next to measurer with one arm exteded overhead
Set the height to the tip of the finger


5 Rounds for Time of...
300/250m Row
12/9 Strict Pull Ups
10 Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
12 TTB
-Rest 1 Min Btw Ea Round-

[23 Min TC]

Mod Key

P: 250/200, Mod Strict PU, 16/12, Mod Hang Leg Raise (feet above hips)
RX: As Prescribed
C: Strict C2B, 6 TTB + 6 BMU

Extra Conditioning

2 Rounds of...
50 DU's
35 Sit Ups
50 Bicycle Crunches (ea)


1-3 Sets, Holding Each for 1+ Min Ea Side
Couch Stretch
Adductor Stretch (frog stretch)
